Thursday, October 30, 2008

Says with flower - Katakan dengan Bunga

Bunga tak ada habis-habisnya dieksplorasi. Dijadikan hadiah untuk yang tersayang, atau ditaruh sebagai pajangan di sudut ruang.

Katakan dengan bunga. Setangkai bunga bisa memberikan sejuta makna. Menjadi simbol cinta, kesehatan, dan umur panjang, misalnya. Tak heran jika nilai dan makna bunga selalu dikaitkan dengan bentuk, warna, bau, lagenda, mitos, atau kepercayaan tertentu.

"Warna bunga diyakini melambangkan sesuatu. Warna merah dari mawar, misalnya, dikatakan sebagai simbol cinta," ujar Widi dan Wida, pemilik Wid Florist di daerah Bogor, yang banyak menerima pesanan bunga mawar untuk kalangan remaja yang sedang jatuh cinta.

Selain bunga hidup, bunga artifisial pun banyak digemari orang. "Biasanya, kan, karena lebih tahan lama dan enggak cepat layu. Bunga hidup paling hanya seminggu. Sementara bunga buatan bisa sampai bertahun-tahun. Kalau sudah bosan tinggal diganti saja dengan bunga lain," imbuh Widi sembari tersenyum.

Bunga artifisial juga tak kalah cantik untuk dijadikan pajangan rumah. Diletakkan di meja tamu, atau di sudut ruangan, membuat rumah menjadi bertambah cerah.
Nah, tinggal terserah Anda. Memilih bunga hidup, atau artifisial?

1. Warna peach menyatakan kekaguman dan penghargaan kepada orang lain, kuning untuk ibu yang melahirkan, pengantin, lulus kuliah, oranye melambangkan antusiasme dan semangat atau ingin mengenal lebih dalam, putih untuk kesucian, kepercayaan, kejujuran, dan berkabung. Merah melambangkan asmara, kemasyhuran, nafsu amarah, daya atau hasrat yang kuat.

2. Bunga carnation diberikan kepada orang yang sedang sedih supaya terhibur. Anggrek lambang semangat untuk menjalani hidup. Bunga matahari ingin diberi perhatian dan kehormatan, sedangkan tulip dipakai sebagai ungkapan rasa cinta.

3. Menurut Widi, merangkai bunga harus menggunakan feeling alias perasaan. Sesuaikan dengan gaya rumah. Untuk gaya minimalis biasanya cocok dengan karangan bunga berbentuk simpel. Sedangkan rumah gaya klasik lebih banyak pilihan.

4. Cara membersihkan bunga artifisial cukup dengan direndam di air sabun dan bersihkan dengan sikat gigi.

Konferensi Perubahan Iklim

Thursday, 21 February 2008
”It is my hope that we will rise as one to face this challenge, and leave a better world for future generations”

Itulah kalimat yang pernah diucapkan Sekjen PBB Ban Ki-moon dalam upaya memerangi perubahan iklim. Harapan itu pula yang mungkin ingin dicapai dalam Konferensi PBB mengenai Perubahan Iklim dari tanggal 3-14 Desember 2007 di Nusa Dua, Bali. Konferensi ini sangat penting karena di dalamnya dibahas mengenai masa depan kelangsungan hidup umat manusia.

Penyelenggaraan konferensi perubahan iklim ini berawal dari peringatan para ilmuwan di awal tahun 1990-an akan ancaman serius perubahan iklim bagi manusia dan lingkungan. KTT PBB mengenai bumi pada tahun 1992 di Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, menanggapi peringatan ini dengan menyetujui dibentuknya Kerangka Kerja Konvensi Perubahan Iklim PBB (UN Framework Convention on Climate Change-UNFCCC). Konvensi ini bertujuan untuk menstabilkan konsentrasi gas rumah kaca di atmosfer pada tingkat tertentu. Para negara penandatangan UNFCCC bertemu setiap tahun sekali untuk membahas dan menyepakati tindakan yang harus dilakukan, dalam pertemuan Conference of Parties (COP) atau sering disebut konferensi perubahan iklim.

Pada COP ke-3 di Kyoto Jepang tahun 1997 telah dicapai sebuah kesepakatan yang disebut Protokol Kyoto. Di sini tercapai konsensus bahwa negara maju (kecuali Amerika Serikat) yang selama ini menjadi pembuang karbondioksida (CO2) terbanyak bersedia menurunkan emisi gas rumah kaca minimal 5 % dari tingkat emisi tahun 1990 pada periode tahun 2008-2012. Kini 4 tahun menjelang berakhirnya protokol Kyoto, COP ke 13 di Bali menjadi sangat penting untuk menjadi landasan tercapainya kesepakatan baru setelah tahun 2012.

Sekitar 10.000 orang hadir dalam konferensi perubahan iklim di Bali yang terdiri dari delegasi resmi 187 negara, para pengamat dari organisasi internasional dan non pemerintah serta media massa. Acara dalam konferensi ini bukan hanya sekadar membuat negosiasi saja. Terdapat lebih dari 200 acara pendamping (side event), yang semuanya mengusung beragam isu dalam bentuk seminar, diskusi, sharing experience atau peluncuran program. Di samping itu, ada lebih dari 100 stan mengisi ruang pameran yang disediakan di lokasi konferensi. Belum lagi suguhan happening art atau demonstrasi yang dilakukan LSM baik dari dalam negeri maupun dari luar negeri. Di luar lokasi konferensi digelar pula kegiatan-kegiatan lain (parallel event) yang jumlahnya sekitar 50 macam acara.

Dalam konferensi ini terungkap fakta bahwa perubahan iklim telah terjadi sekarang, bahkan cenderung lebih cepat terjadinya daripada yang diduga sebelumnya. Negara-negara kepulauan kecil seperti Fiji, Samoa dan Tulavu ”berteriak” karena pantai-pantai mereka telah mulai tenggelam. Selain itu, benua Afrika terancam bencana kelaparan karena gagal panen akibat kemarau berkepanjangan. Di sisi lain es di kutub utara dan kutub selatan mencair lebih cepat dari apa yang diprediksi para ilmuwan.

Proses perundingan berjalan sangat lambat karena sikap Amerika Serikat, Jepang dan Kanada masih enggan mengurangi emisinya. Setelah sempat diperpanjang satu hari, akhirnya konferensi menghasilkan konsensus bernama Bali Road Map. Di sini disetujui agenda dan jadwal yang harus diselesaikan sampai tahun 2009 guna menghasilkan perjanjian baru setelah Protokol Kyoto. Sekalipun demikian masih terlihat masalah subtansi yaitu besarnya pengurangan emisi yang gagal disepakati. Angka pengurangan emisi sebesar 25-40 % bagi negara maju sampai tahun 2020, agar suhu tidak naik melampaui 20 C dan tidak menimbulkan bencana dahsyat, tidak dicantumkan pada konsensus tersebut. Tampaknya harapan Sekjen PBB Ban Ki-moon agar kita semua menyatukan langkah dalam menghadapi perubahan iklim masih belum dapat terwujud.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Memasukkan Alam Ke Dalam Rumah

SEMUA tentu peduli dengan sebuah lingkungan perumahan yang indah dan asri. Lingkungan yang demikian itu bisa dibangun dari taman rumah. Sekecil apapun lahan halaman yang kita punya, kita bisa memanfaatkannya sebagai taman.

Taman sendiri sebetulnya tidak hanya bisa dibuat pada lahan terbuka. Taman dapat dibuat di dalam ruangan. Orang mengenal model taman seperti ini sebagai taman dalam.

Taman dalam dapat dibangun pada area terbuka pada ruang dalam. Misalnya pada innercourt atau ruang terbuka di bagian dalam bangunan. Ukuran innercourt-nya sendiri sebetulnya tak harus dipermasalahkan. Yang penting, fungsi inncercourt sebagai pintu keluar masuk udara dari dan ke dalam bangunan dapat maksimal.

Nah, untuk memaksimalkan fungsinya, pada innercourt bisa dibuat taman kering. Adanya taman pada innercourt dapat membantu terciptanya sirkulasi udara di dalam rumah. Taman pada innercourt berfungsi, antara lain menyediakan pasokan udara segar pada bagian dalam rumah. Innercourt juga dapat memberikan perbedaan temperatur udara, sehingga dapat mendorong udara panas ke luar bangunan.

Untuk membuat taman pada innercourt pun sebetulnya tak harus ribet. Jenis tanaman tak perlu banyak. Maksimal 2-3 jenis tanaman. Selain pertimbangan kemudahan akan perawatan, taman dalam dibuat minimal guna menyelaraskan konsep hunian modern. Sisanya, Anda bisa menambahkan elemen lain seperti batu alam jenis koral atau batu kali pecah. Sebagai penambah kecantikan, tambahkan elemen lain seperti gentong. Jika lahan cukup, buatlah kolam pancuran mini sebagai pemberi nuansa lewat bunyi gemericik air.

Tips Perawaran Sofa

SOFA merupakan furnitur yang hampir selalu ada di setiap rumah, terutama untuk mengisi ruang keluarga. Kenyamanan duduk di atasnya, membuat sofa banyak digemari. Ini pula yang membuat sofa lebih cepat kotor dibandingkan furnitur lain. Dalam kondisi seperti itu, tentu duduk di atasnya tidak lagi nyaman.

Agar sofa tetap bersih dan nyaman, rajin-rajinlah merawatnya. Desainer interior Savana Furniture, Jeanny Primasari, mengatakan bahwa perawatan sofa sebenarnya sederhana. Tidak perlu Anda lakukan setiap hari. Yang penting dilakukan dengan teratur dan berkelanjutan.

Pada sofa, yang penting untuk selalu dibersihkan adalah kain penutup (cover). Biasanya daya tahan maksimal cover sofa, adalah lima tahun. Setelah lima tahun, sebaiknya sofa di-cover ulang.

Ada dua jenis cara pemasangan cover. Untuk memudahkan pencucian, ada cover yang bisa dilepas dari rangka sofa. Tetapi banyak juga cover yang dipasang menyatu dengan rangka.

Untuk cover yang bisa dilepas, tentu lebih mudah. Anda tinggal melepas cover dan mencucinya. Sedangkan untuk cover yang tidak bisa dilepas, Anda harus rajin membersihkannya dengan vacuum cleaner. Paling tidak satu kali dalam dua minggu.

Untuk mencuci atau membersihkan sofa, juga harus diperhatikan bahan cover-nya. Setiap bahan, biasanya membutuhkan penanganan yang berbeda. Berikut beberapa bahan cover sofa, beserta cara perawatannya, disajikan untuk Anda.

Katun (cotton). Bahan katun cukup mudah dibersihkan. Anda bisa mencucinya dengan air. Diseterika pun tak masalah.
Polyester. Bahan yang satu ini tidak boleh terkena air. Cara terbaik membersihkannya adalah dengan dry cleaning.
Sutra (silk). Jarang digunakan untuk cover sofa. Biasanya digunakan untuk tirai atau sarung bantal. Cara terbaik membersihkannya adalah dengan dry cleaning.
Woll. Bahan woll sebaiknya tidak dicuci dengan air. Akan lebih aman mencucinya dengan sistem dry cleaning.
Kulit (leather). Ada dua jenis bahan kulit, yaitu kulit asli (genuine leather), dan kulit sintetis. Untuk bahan kulit asli, harus dibersihkan dengan pembersih khusus, biasanya berbentuk lotion. Sedangkan untuk kulit sintetis, cukup dilap dengan lap kering atau setengah basah.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Making Money Online

Author: James Betchley

Making money from home on the internet, is a great way to supplement your income, especially for non-working mothers or anyone for that matter with a connection to the internet and a little drive.

When the world is in economic turmoil as it is at present, one thing is sure to happen.A lot of people will lose a lot of money and a few people will make vast sums of money. Whenever a stock market crashes there is always someone who profits, you see money (like energy) is not created or destroyed it is merely transferred from place to place, commodity to commodity or person to person.

In times like these the value of ‘things’ change, house prices fall, luxury goods manufacturers stocks take a downturn and the resale value of your car drops, but at the same time demand for financial advisors is on the up, bookies and second-hand goods stores are seeing a resurgence not felt for many years and internet sales are still on the up. You see people still need to buy goods and services but are paying much more attention to what they are buying and where they are spending their money, whilst short sighted companies see recession as a time to slash their advertising budget, the more savvy characters acknowledge an even greater need to engage potential customers in-order to keep their sales up.

Which brings me to my point, the internet is what it is to day due mainly to advertising, the money companies will spend to get customers to navigate to their web site and buy their goods is what runs most websites from the smallest blogs to the huge price comparison sites all their revenue and existence comes down to advertising money.

Google will pay an average of $1 per click to people who host Google Adsense on their websites, affiliate marketing
departments pay huge commissions to webmasters who direct paying customers to their websites, these commissions and pay per click (PPC) incentives are achievable with very little initial outlay and are available to anybody who has a computer and an internet connection.

Before you rush out into the world of e-commerce, take time to decide upon a niche, you will be most successful if you are interested in your site or product, and you will find it much easier to market your website as you will have much more to write about in articles such as this.

The second step is to set up a website, this is not as daunting as it may sound – most webhosts (the company which owns the space where you put your web site) offer free website building software and will host your site for as little as £2/$3 per month. Recommended hosts are”\">JustHost; and”\">JumpLaunch; each offers cheap reliable web hosting with plenty of storage and no hidden costs. It is advisable to choose a domain name which has one of your key words in it, so if you are marketing handbags your domain may be – this improves your search engine rankings and helps people to find their way to your website.

Once you have set up your site you can populate it with ads from one of the many online sources such as Google or ClickBank, make sure that your ‘interesting content’ to advertising balance is enough to entice people to your site as google and the other seach engines will see sites that are purely advertising and no content as spam and penalise you accordingly in the search engines.

Now comes the time consuming part, you need to drive traffic to your web site, there are several ways to do this, email marketing, directory submissions and one of the best is the submission of quality informative articles to the many article submission websites these sites allow you to include a link to your site in the resource section which is a major factor in achieving higher search engine rankings.

Then sit back and let the commissions roll in, it will be slow at first but as your site gains popularity the cheques will increase in value.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Internet And Business Online – The Act Of Interdependence

by: Scott Lindsay

The best role of business online is that of interdependency. We’ve all heard the old saying, “No man is an island.” When it comes to online business this is especially true.

If a business owner who takes their business into the online world determines they will be self reliant and never accept the help of anyone then that individual will not be in business long enough to change their minds.

It is accepted fact that the greatest tool for long-term exposure to your website is through Search Engine Optimization (SEO). Without it potential customers can’t find you. It is unreasonable to expect that you can adequately develop a website without optimizing your website for the best possible search engine ranking.

Search engines also place a high value on sites that have links placed on existing sites. These ‘backlinks’ demonstrate to search engines that others trust your site. By placing your link on their website these other businesses indicate a trust and recommendation for your site.

In effect the two strategies listed above rely exclusively on what others can do for you when it comes to your online business.

Shirley Temple once proclaimed in her movie Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm, “I’m very self-reliant.” American westerns are filled with lines dealing with pulling yourself up by your bootstraps and holding down the fort. Many of us have grown up to believe if we want something done right we have to do it ourselves.

This thinking is in opposition to the rules associated with an online business.

The online world can only exist because people share. Individuals share technology, but the also share links, reviews, blogs, forums and a wide range of other marketing strategies that find a commingling of interdependency.

In online business you are as dependent on others as they may be on you. Unlike the word ‘dependent’, the term interdependent indicates a mutual dependency. In other words you are depending on others to help provide links back to your site while they are equally dependent on you (or others) for the success of their business.

Have you really taken a proactive approach to networking? It’s possible you are reading this today and you’ve never considered asking someone else to place a link to your site on his or her online business site.

It can feel awkward depending on others to achieve online success especially if you’ve been lead to believe reliance on others is also a sign of imposing on their otherwise brilliant generosity.

I suppose it could be a deep-seated sense of pride that makes it hard to consider the need to ask others for help. However, the truth is depending on others is really what has made the Internet possible. The growth of this online world is comprised of a link of computers, networks and servers that are connected in a way that provides the maximum benefit for all.

Building an online business can feel a bit like trying to build a house of cards. Without the ability to rely on the other ‘cards’ around you it is virtually impossible to build.

Interdependence. This is the essence of online business.

About The Author Scott Lindsay is a web developer and entrepreneur. Make your own website in just 5 minutes with HighPowerSites at: or Build A Website at:

Using Article Directories To Promote Your Wellness Business

by: Zachary Thompson

Article directories are located on the Internet. They provide free content to webmasters. This content must contain the author information when they it is used for free by the webmasters. One of the biggest advantages of using article directories to promote your wellness business is placing a link to your wellness website. Whether you operate a wellness web store, are an affiliate with an affiliation link or have some other type of website you can place your web link in your author information. The article directories are wonderful to promote your wellness business.

One of the ways that people know that you are on the internet and that you have wellness products to promote is through advertising and marketing. The majority of us do not have a great deal of money to promote and advertise when we begin our new home business. Search engines find our websites partly based on the number of other sites that link back to our website. The more sites you have your link listed on, the higher your chances of moving up in the search engines. This in turn means the higher your chances of being found on the Internet.

What happens with an article directory? A webmaster comes to the article directory and looks up articles based on a key word or specific topic. For example, if you wrote a short article about acne treatment and posted it in an article directory the article would be available for people to use on their blogs, ezines and websites. Each time that someone uses your article, they would then have the link that you put in the author information. If 100 people use your article on acne treatment, you would have 100 automatic links back to your wellness small home business site. Just think about all the people that will now know about your new home business! A

s you can see, a few articles in different article directories are a great way to promote your wellness small home business. There are literally hundreds of free article directories to post a few articles with a link back to your wellness small home business Internet site. You can even write short articles about the benefits of the different products or services that you offer. If you were to post one article in ten directories and 100 people used all ten of the articles, you would instantly have 1,000 links back to your wellness small home business Internet site. There would literally be 1,000 ads around the Internet instantly for your business and it will not have cost you a single penny to promote your business using this method.

Where do you get articles to use for article directories? One of the best ways to have articles is to write them. You dont have to be a major in English or even know how to write a novel. You can write a short article of around 400 words about something that you are passionate about. People love information on how to do something. The articles do not have to be strictly on wellness. In fact, if your articles vary on the topic, you are more likely to have others use it because you have variety to select from and increase your chances of being used. This in turn increases your chances of having links back to your wellness small home business Internet site. Once visitors are to your site, your wellness products will virtually sell themselves.

The Best of the Best Home Based Internet Business

by: Daegan H. Smith

With just one click you can get hold of all the people of the world and talk to them in real time! You can also view people from around the globe and do constant video conferencing and transact business online. Gone are the days that you need to wait for the telephone operator to forward your call to your recipient. These are all possible through the computer and specifically by the use of internet. So why not take advantage of it? You may do so, by starting your home based internet business.

Using the internet is far more effective nowadays and what cannot be done before is possible at present. You can get hold of your customer database and announce your new products and services. The best part of which is you can compete head on with all the big companies and you can be superior amongst them! Given the right marketing and a website that gives ample information, you can really be on the top.

To give you an idea of a home based internet business, listed here are just few examples. You can explore more and create your own business at the comfort of your home and with the luxury of your time.

1. You can do researches. People and organizations often value their time and will let other people or group handle the time consuming jobs like research. There are private companies who pay a lot for this work and you can get hold of them and profit a lot.

2. You can also get involved in online retailing. You can specialize in inventory purchasing and reselling it. In this way, you can get clients trust by giving them the best products that passed your inspection and judgment.

Another relative business is being an eBay seller. eBay corresponds buying and therefore people who visit this site wants to acquire something and pay for it. By finding the perfect product or service, you can develop your power selling businesses at eBay.

You can also be in affiliate selling. The advantage of which is that you dont have to own a product or a service. You can just refer people to try another persons service or product; thus you are categorized as an affiliate.

3. You can also accept freelance work. You can be a website designer, copywriter, business coach, and many others and offer your skills online. Eventually, your skills can be expanded and you can do some outsourcing of work to your staff and other people.

There are few notes to remember when doing your home based internet business. First, though all these businesses seem very profitable, the key to it is the fast access to your client and to the other key persons using the internet. Having the perfect software is thus vital for your professionalism and the success of even your small business. Choose dependable software that will help you manage your business more efficiently.

Another is the perfect marketing of your products or services. Having your internet business obviously entails internet marketing. This can therefore be hitting two birds with one stone. Just be creative on posting your advertisement and internet marketing can really do magic for your business.

Doing home based internet business is not different from the other businesses out in the open. This also entails great effort and ideas to be successful enough. With all these at hand, topped with your love for your internet business, you will surely profit a lot!

8 Tips For Successful Internet Marketing

by: Zachary Thompson

Internet marketing has come a long way in a short time. With tons of competition just a click away you need to have an Internet marketing strategy that works.
Try these 8 tips for successful Internet marketing.

1. Get on top of the search heap. When it comes to Internet searches those who finish in the top 10 entries are winners. Getting to the top may take some doing. Keywords are the secret to search engine strategy. Using the proper keywords that both describe your site or product and are attune with popular search phrases will get you ahead.

2. Click, click, click. Use pay per click (PPC) advertising to get a lot of bang for your advertising buck. Pay per click or sponsored advertising can get you big time exposure for small time money. The key is to be sure that you have the proper keywords to get you listed in the most popular sites.

3. Give something for nothing. Everyone likes to get something for free. You dont need to spend a fortune to give your customers and potential customers something they need. Information is a good bet. You can make it for next to nothing yet your customers feel they are getting something they need.

4. Have a great website. You dont need special graphics or music on your site. The best sites are those that follow simple rules. The sites work well and load easily. The navigation is easy to use and things are easy to find. While you may be tempted to put everything and the kitchen sink on your site slow down. Your site will have a much more professional appearance if it isnt cluttered with too many things.

5. Make your purchase page easily accessible. Dont make potential customers hunt through your web site in order to find ordering information. Instead put links on each page that offer the customer to buy now. Always legitimize your company by providing a toll free phone number for customer service. Also provide an email link so people can easily ask questions. Allow fax orders as well as Internet and phone orders. The more ways you have for customers to place orders the more orders youll get.

6. Use lists. Gather customer information on your website by having them sign up for newsletters. Use the lists to send special marketing bulletins and special offers. Utilize coupons or special free item with purchase or the popular buy one and get another at a discounted price. These marketing strategies are sure to get you lots of business.

7. Offer more than the competition. While you cant give away the store do think of ways that you offer better product or service than your competition. Then, use this information as a marketing strategy. For example, if you offer a full year warranty when the competition doesnt make sure you use this to your advantage.

8. Change up your strategies. Subscribe to at least one or more monthly Internet marketing newsletters. They can provide valuable information and marketing trends that you need to be aware of. The Internet changes rapidly so dont get left behind.

How I Use Email Automatic Responders

By: Jeff Schuman

An email automatic responder or autoresponder is the second most important marketing tool I have to make money online. The first would be my hosting company. Without these 2 tools my internet marketing business is dead in the water.

In the world of internet marketing, millions of sites are fiercely competing with each other to gain new clients. For any ecommerce site to succeed, it must capture the interest and the trust of its visitors. It is not enough that your site is perfectly designed or has the latest in animation of content.

You should focus your efforts not only in attracting visitors but also in leading them to make a purchase. There are dozens of marketing strategies you can use to attract more buyers and pump up your sales. One of them is by establishing an excellent and professional reputation for prompt and efficient response.

As more potential customers visit your site, you should expect a flood of inquiries and requests for information. This is an excellent opportunity for you to capture more clients and lead them to buying from your site. Thus, it is important that you carry out an efficient and prompt response to every email you receive. The fastest and most effective way to do this is by utilizing an email automatic responder.

Autoresponder services use a computer program that automatically return a prewritten message to anyone who sends an email to your site. It is widely used for responding to consumer inquiries and visitor comments and suggestions.

Follow up automatic responders are also used by e-zines in responding to people who subscribe or unsubscribe to their online magazines. Companies, who send out their e-newsletter regularly, also use utoresponders.

How can effective autoresponder services help boost your business? The answer lies in its ability to return a prompt response to any e-mail the site receives. By responding rapidly and efficiently, you create a very good impression on your potential customer. Good email autorespondrs help you get important information back to these customers immediately. An effective autoresponder service helps you communicate your message promptly, creating a sense of professionalism and efficiency that your clients will definitely appreciate.

Another very important advantage of email automatic responders is that it saves time with multiple marketing tasks. Certainly, you do not have enough time to personally make and send all correspondence. Autoresponder services allows you to send thank you letters, newsletters, product information, brochures, orders etc. to hundreds of clients almost immediately and simultaneously. Autoresponder services are also indispensable in any email marketing campaign.

Choosing the right autoresponder is very important. What makes the best automatic responder? First, you should pick an autoresponder that is reliable and can give you 24/7 service. You cannot afford to lose a customer because your autoresponder failed to answer his query or request for information. The ability to respond promptly is the first thing you must look for in any automatic responder.

Another key factor you should consider when choosing Autoresponder servcies is flexibility. Good autoresponders allow you to customize unique responses that will have maximum effect on the customer. You should avoid creating an impression that the customer is communicating with a machine instead of a real human being.

An excellent email automatic responder lets you provide the information that is specifically targeted for what the potential customers are looking for. Because any email from potential customers essentially represent the customer's intent on getting more information about your product, which can ultimately lead to direct sales, all emails are important. Thus, a top Autoresponder servcie must fulfill all these duties to help you boost your business.

For all of our autoresponder needs we prefer Aweber. They are very reasonably priced and have proved to be reliable and easy to use.